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Care to Share here on this site?


You can share your story to inspire and support others.

It will appear anonymously on this site in the dedicated 'Flights of Hope' section

and can be a brief paragraph or a longer piece; all we ask is that you write in your own style and language avoiding overly clinical terms or jargon where possible.

Everyone's story has value - You can really encourage and inspire others.


Click HERE to get in touch for more information






Be part of something worthwhile - Join The Mental Health Forum


You can join The Mental Health Forum if you are over 18 and have past or present experience of accessing statutory services for treatment of a diagnosed mental health condition - even if now self managing with assistance of a GP.

It is possible to attend a meeting as a visitor to see if it feels like a good fit for you.


Click HERE to read our FAQ


Click HERE to get in touch






Consultations within The Southern Trust


Via this website we will keep the wider community informed about consultations that  are happening within the Southern Trust  Area - everyone in the  area is encouraged to give their opinion and as we become aware of them, their information and document links will be posted in our Give category.






Become a member of the The Mental Health Forum

You will then be able to contribute throught the discussions in our monthly meeting


You can also progress to our Capacity Building Programme

Through the Mental Health Forum, a wide range of opportunities to actively contribute in development and improvement of services are coordinated, supported and signposted. This may include active involvement in Trust Workstreams.


There is a Free mentorship programme to help build confidence and skills needed for Coproduction Practice with Southern Trust.  It is designed to accomodate work/life/wellness balance as well as areas of interest and expertise; time commitment needed varies from opportunity to opportunity and every effort is made to match people appropriately. Everyone is equally valued. Everyone has something valuable to offer. Everyone gets opportunity to grow and learn.




Click HERE to express interest in this rewarding and exciting programme.






Department of Health consultations


The department of health, social services and public safety (DHSSPS) engages widely across a range of issues. Some of these are of course directly related to Mental Health issues but the structure and methodology of services generally also impacts on the mental health care experience and you can have you say in  how things are shaped by clicking HERE






Public Health Agency (PHA)


The Public Health Agency (PHA) is the statutory body responsible for driving the public health and social wellbeing agenda in Northern Ireland, bringing together the wide range of public health functions and ensuring a renewed, enhanced and sustained focus on achieving key public health goals.

The work of the PHA is multi-professional with a strong regional and local presence. It delivers four primary functions: Health improvement;

Health protection; Public health, nursing and allied health professional support to commissioning and policy development; Research and development (R&D)


It is also concerned with empowering individuals and communities to take responsibility for, and engage with, local health improvement initiatives.

The Public Health Agency (PHA) fund a range of services and activities across Northern Ireland (NI) with the aim to addressing the stigma around mental health and promote the concept of recovery.  The PHA also encourage help-seeking behaviour through multiple resources which are available on  www.mindingyourhead.info The PHA also fund the Lifeline crisis response service  a free, 24 hour helpline T: 0808 808 8000 www.lifelinehelpline.info


For more information and to get involved in consultations etc CLICK HERE






  Personal and Public Involvement


PPI as it is commonly referred to, is core to the efficient and effective commissioning, design and delivery of Health and Social Care Services.

PPI is just one aspect of the work of the PHA (Public Health Agency) which is a legislative requirement and continues the principles of active public engagement that have been in place beforehand; peoples ideas, plans, experiences, needs and thoughts on change in the system are all highly valued and you could be part of it by clicking HERE






10,000 Voices


Patient experience is recognised as a key element in the
delivery of quality healthcare. 10,000 Voices unlike other healthcare
questionnaires, gives you an opportunity to highlight what is
important to you.

We want to read accounts from patients (or families and carers)
of your experiences in healthcare from the last six months, so we
can understand the impact this experience has had on you (or
the person in your care).


Click HERE to learn more






The Patient and Client Council


The independent Patient and Client Council is dedicated to partnership working and actively seeks the involvement of Service users. Your comments and opinions are listened to and actioned and if necessary they can also help you make a complaint.


You can also become a member and as such your views on a wide range of health care topics will be invited and fed through to inform the key decision makers.


Click HERE to learn more






And, Most importantly,

getting involved in your own Care & Recovery


To be clear, Recovery does not mean 'cure' and when you engage with services now and hear about how everything is 'recovery focused' and how the direct involvement of Service users in their own care is deeply valued and encouraged, it is not a negative thing - it is a wonderfully freeing concept - your voice matters.

The various professionals and support/voluntary organisations you work with will all be encouraging you to get as involved in your own care as you are able at the time and there is commitment now in our Trust to genuine 'partnership working' which simply means everyone plays their part and communicates with each other to get you the best outcome possible. It is a positive and hopeful way to look at care.


A key document called 'You in mind - A Regional Mental Health Care Pathway'

was published in October of 2014 that was developed with equal involvement and input of professionals, service users, carers, advocates etc who were all 'experts by experience.' The document seeks to ensure mental health care in N. Ireland provides the best opportunity for personal recovery and to create a new culture of partnership and co-working - this is not just a wishful phrase from a book - it is real and it is already happening and service users all over our Trust are discovering a new and empowering way to view and manage their condition. This is able to happen because 'The Pathway' isn't just a set of guidelines - real changes are happening and will continue to be implemented over coming years; to learn more and see how this can impact positively on mental health care, follow the link.





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