Proudly working with Community, Carers & Professionals
in the Southern Health & Social Care Trust area of Northern Ireland
The Mental Health Forum is an independent organisation registered with the Charity Commission for N. Ireland.
We provide information and signposting on mental health issues to the community and are proud to be the "Voice of service users" within planning and delivery of services for the Southern Health Trust. We are committed to promoting a 'strengths-based' Recovery focus, and so support and facilitate the direct engagement of service users and carers across multiple aspects of that planning and delivery. As an organisation we are deeply embedded in, and capacity build for this coproduction wthin our mental health directorate.
This Forum website is a peer-led information hub and interactive Recovery resource for anyone with an interest in mental health issues, as well as those interested in using their personal lived experience to inform and improve mental health services.
A volunteer programme supports the website project and full training is provided. Our site also signposts the wider community to a range of awareness and skill-building courses to support wellness, recovery and community connection.
You can read more about us HERE
We also provide free Survivor-Led
Suicide Awareness Workshops
Scroll down to learn more
We facilitate Group Completion of the free onlline course created by Zero Suicide Alliance, in an extended but very relaxed Workshop environment.
"Being able to talk openly about suicide is a skill Everyone should have.
I'ts not just a job for 'professionals'.
A large percentage of people who die by suicide were not even known to or engaged with mental health services at the time of their crisis.
Would you be willing to have a potentially life-saving conversation?"
We can give you the skills and confidence to ask the difficult question,
and we can help you understand your own self-care in that process.
We strongly encourage as many people as possible to complete the Zero Suicide Alliance Course itself - We'd love to welcome you to do with with us as part of our wider workshop, but it is also available 24/7 on their own website
Mental Heath Forum is a member organisation with the Zero Suicide Alliance, and so our Service-User-Led workshop* does not change or condense the excellent ZSA content; it seeks only to create a safe and supported group space in which to build confidence, understanding, and skills.
If you would like to learn more, or are interested in helping to facilitate these courses, contact Elaine:
*This level of personal sharing and facilitation requires specific skills, knowledge and supports. The people of Lived Experience who host and facilitate this workshop have been mentored through the Mental Health Forum's Capacity Building Programme. They have ongoing access to both direct and peer support, skill building and experience, as well as other suicide intervention and awareness training.
(Public speaking and personal sharing on topics of mental health issues, suicide, self-harm etc should not be undertaken without support and serious consideration - if you are a person of lived expereince within the Southern Trust Area and are thinking about sharing your story publicly in any way, please get in touch and we can help you to explore those key considerations, impacts, benefits, and consequences.
Talk with someone who has been there - it will help you make informed choices and prioritise your self-care. We can connect you to a range of ways to share your story and your valuable expsperience while staying in control and safe)
Check out our updates on Facebook
@serviceuservoice Please like our Page & share
Please note: We are working on our website content and stucture.
This shouldn't cause any direct issues for using this version, however ocassional content changes may be needed here and there during the process.
Thanks for your understanding and your patience.
Site last updated
07/02/25 EF