How to Contribute
Download your submission form here
Alternatively, type directly online!
Contribute to our 'speech bubble' archive of Encouragement here.
All Contact Information must be present and accurate for your piece to be processed for possible inclusion in the Archive.
*This form is offered as a convenience and is not encrypted - so please consider using direct email for your submission if sharing sensitve personal information.
For longer pieces please submit by email.
You can also download, print, complete and post the form above and post it to:
Flights of Hope Team
Mental Health Forum, Ballybot House, 28 Corn Market, Newry, BT35 8BG
Thank you for supporting our efforts to keep this a positive and hopeful space: Form messages containing trolling, spam, or otherwise inappropriate or abusive content will be deleted without response, and may also be blocked or reported.
The Flights of Hope project is completely designed and managed by service user & carer members of The Mental Health Forum.
We understand both the benefits of sharing about recovery stories, and the potential anxieties about doing so - we are here to help if you need any extra information or support.