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Please scroll down to watch video or listen to recordings of people talking about mental wellness and ways to positively manage life when things aren't going so well and supports and tools may be needed.


These are all real people choosing to use their own lived experience to help others.

Their stories and perspectives will all be different yet they share a common belief in the ability we all have to live a personally meaningful and fulfilling life even when our mental wellbeing is challenged by circumstances or illness.

We call this 'Recovery' and you can learn more HERE.


Whether in the community or through professional help, each has found supports or tools to help deal with the stresses, anxieties and issues that came with that.


These are the positive and hopeful things they want to share with you.


You may also want to explore:

Stories of Encouragement        Stories of Hope         Ways to share your own stories

Audio Book

2023 edition of the Flights of Hope booklet

Flights of Hope booklet Edition 1 (mp3 file)
Audio Booklet - Flights of Hope 2023, St[...]
MP3 audio file [58.3 MB]

Voices of Lived Experience

(INew contributions welcome - scroll for info)


Jan's story CLICK HERE to view

Director of Mental Health & Disability Services, Southern Health & Social Care Trust

in conversation with Elaine, Project Development Officer - Mental Health Forum

Autumn 2024


If you'd be interested in sharing something of your lived experience to help others, we can support you in a conversation that can be either audio or video recorded.

You will be involved in editing and will have final sign-off on the formally submitted piece.


The whole process is managed and run by people who have had their own challenges with mental health issues and this peer support will help guide you in a tailored time-frame without pressure.

Final edited pieces can be anything from 1-10 mins.


To learn more, you can telphone Elaine on  07876261033

Any messages left on voicemail will be followed up as soon as possible.

Your enquiry will not carry any obligation to proceed, and we look forward to hearing from you!


For help with submitting a written piece CLICK HERE


Discussing Mental Health in the Media or raising awareness at public events


Elaine, our Project Development Officer, talks about her personal mental health journey and how she now uses her lived expereince in a paid role within the Forum.  Shared with permission from Belfast Live (Recorded 2023)

CLICK HERE to view

A contribution to BBC Radio Ulster's "Thought for the day" by one of our members (2015) Shared with BBC permission.
Speaking about the nature of stigma in relation to mental health.
Thought for the day 8.2.15.mp3
MP3 audio file [5.3 MB]

CLICK HERE to read a full transcript

A BBC Radio Ulster interview with one of our Forum Members (2014) Shared with BBC permission
Discussing experiences with Bipolar disorder
Nolan interview.mp3
MP3 audio file [15.3 MB]

CLICK HERE to read a full transcript

Members discuss 'Recovery in Action'

in a film from Mental Health Forum


Created in 2011, this short film has won awards for excellence. We are particularly proud to see it still being used as part of mental health training and support work here and outside Northern Ireland. 

Featured External Media

Submitted for sharing by Forum Members

(While not created personally, story or awareness-raising videos featured  in this section are credited with being very helpful in the recovery journey of one or more of our contributors.)

Click Image to watch a Piece of Performance Art by Yoann Bourgeois

"Resilience - It can be hard to explain the effort it takes and the emotional courage it demands... particularly if you've been doing really well for a long time. This comes close. "

" Life isn't easy and we all struggle from time to time, and those living with invisible illnesses can sometimes struggle differently because of a lack of understanding from others. Living with mental health challenges has actually forged some of the strongest most courageous people I've ever known."

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