If viewing on a Mobile phone, scroll down for main webpage content. 

'Flights of Hope' archive.

Personal stories of Hope and Inspiration about mental wellness.

Click HERE to explore




'Take5' interactive resource

Explore your way... on your device!

Click HERE to explore


If situation is immediately

life-threatening always

Call  999

If you'd like to browse for Support & HELPLINES  CLICK HERE 

A SILENT solution for accessing Police help if unable to speak
Adobe Acrobat document [348.1 KB]

To help save lives these helplines must be able to assist those in most need - Please only ring if your need is urgent and you have already consulted other available guidance.


If you believe you have symptoms of COVID-19  CLICK HERE    to learn what to do 


For NHS information on common conditions CLICK HERE

Did you know you can now also report non-emergency issues to PSNI  ONLINE?

Click here to visit the PSNI website  to browse or to report an issue


If you have been a witness to a crime and wish to remain anonymous, you can contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Out of hours

Mental Health Crisis


If you are in overwhelm, distress, or despair, you can speak 24/7 with Lifeline 0808 808 8000  or  The Samaritans 116123



In event of a Mental Health Crisis it's strongly advised that a person should CONTACT their GP and the GP may contact the Mental Health Department directly or direct to other suitable help.


If you need to look up a contact telephone number or directions for a GP surgery in Northern Ireland, you can CLICK  HERE 


If your GP is not open, please contact Out of Hours GP service 

028 38 39 92 01




In the event that this cannot happen, then a person( even if they are not known to mental health services) can telephone or self present to any of the mental health departments between the hours of Monday-Friday, from 9.00am to 5.00pm.


It must be stressed this is for URGENT management and triage only as this is outside of the normal referral/allocation procedure. The Admin staff will contact the shift coordinator who will manage the crisis.




Please see Mental Health Departments and contact details.


Armagh: Support & Recovery Service

Ashleigh House, St. Luke's Site: 028 37565009


Armagh: Primary Mental Health Care

Millford Building, Tower Hill Hospital Site: 028 37414462


Dungannon: Support & Recovery Service

Coronation Building South, Tyrone Hospital: 028 37565746


Dungannon: Primary Mental Health Care

Tyrone Hospital Site: 028 37565621



Trasna House, Connolly Place, Lurgan: 028 38347537



Daisy Hill Hospital Mental health Department: 028 30835026



You do not have to struggle alone

For 24/7-365 support

You may wish to call

"The Samaritans"  or  "Lifeline"


The Samaritans is an anonymous 'listening ear' service and is not just available to those in suicidal crisis; anyone who is overwhelmed or distressed can call.


*Emails sent to Samaritans are usually responded to within 24 hours*

Telephone service is 24/7/365       Click Here to read what happens when you call

Lifeline counsellors are experienced in working with trauma, suicide, self-harm, abuse, depression and anxiety. You will receive immediate help on the phone. Should you need further support they can provide a face-to-face counselling appointment in your local area within seven days.


You may also ring Lifeline with concerns about the wellbeing of someone else who you believe to be struggling with any of the issues above.

A comprehensive list of Helpline numbers is available on this website to assist you.


Click Here to View our 'Support & Helplines' page


Your Carer, Family, Friends & Peers, Keyworker, Consultant & GP or Advocate may able to assist you.


You are never alone.


COVID-19 - Please be aware of possible 'face to face' restrictions

Use phone, internet or other mesaging or informaiton options

Mental Health Advocacy


If you feel you would like support in making decisions and taking control of your life, or you would like further information about your rights, or more information about how advocacy could help you the pleas contact the advocate in your area.


Karen    078 1134 4723


The Inspire advocacy service is available Monday to Friday between 9am-5pm but messages may be left outside these hours and you will get a return call


COVID-19 - Advocacy services remain available but will be exercising social distancing in the interest of everyone's safety.

List of Support services


CLICK  HERE  to access downloadable Directories    of Services supporting Mental Health & Wellbeing


If you need help identifying or contacting a suitable service you can CONTACT US and we will try to assist

Southern Area Drug Alcohol Service Dire[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [160.9 KB]

Regional Emergency

Social Work Service


Tel: 028 9504 9999

TXT: 07799867698



5pm - 9am Monday to Thursday

5pm on a Friday to 9am on a Monday

There is 24 hour cover over Public Holidays


GP Practices


**Each GP practice has its own processes and procedures to help keep everyone safe as they access information and treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic **


If you need to look up a contact telephone number or directions for a GP surgery in Northern Ireland, you can CLICK  HERE 

Out of Hours GP Service


**For Genuine emergencies only, that can not wait until GP surgery reopens **


Watch the video below to understand how the Southern Trust GP Out of hours system works after 6pm and all day Saturday and Sunday and Bank holidays

Accessing the Out of hours service for non-emergency issues can cause serious delays and disrupt care. When feeling unwell - Please Choose well

Help save lives - Follow any covid-restrictions


Do not go to or contact your GP Out of Hours unnecessarily 


If you believe you have symptoms of COVID-19        CLICK HERE    to learn what to do 


NHS information on common conditions CLICK HERE


A PHONE FIRST process for all non-life threatening urgent care needs is in place. The chart below gives context and the number to ring for hospitals in the Southern Trust Area.


Help save lives - Please follow Government and HSC guidance during this COVID-19 pandemic


Do not go to the Emergency Department unnecessarily, or bring a lot of people with you if attending. Minismise contact, wear a mask and keep good hand hygiene while  on site.


If you believe you have symptoms of COVID-19  CLICK HERE    to learn what to do 


NHS information on common conditions CLICK HERE

TV Stars explain how to use the Emergency Department - Click Image

Repeat Prescriptions

Reliable & easy to follow information on your Mental Health Medication

Pharmacy Minor Ailments Scheme

Help save lives - Follow 'Stay home' restrictions


Do not visit your Pharmacy unnecessarily.

You should consider phoning for advice, or asking about home delivery of prescriptions.


If you believe you have symptoms of COVID-19  CLICK HERE    to learn what to do 


NHS information on common conditions CLICK HERE

Your local pharmacist can provide confidential, expert advice and treatment for a range of common illnesses and complaints, without you having to wait for a GP appointment or go to your Emergency Department.


Your pharmacist may be able to help you with: eye infections, stomach upsets, skin conditions, allergies, aches and pains, common drugs, vitamins and minor first-aid

healthy eating and living, including giving up smoking, blood pressure and diabetes monitoring and needle exchange, truss fittings, stoma products and incontinence supplies, women's health, including treatment for thrush, emergency contraception

and pregnancy testing, children's problems, including nappy rash, teething, coughs, colds, as well as advice on and provision of prescribed and over-counter medicines

HSC Listings of Chemist Rotas



HSC Listing of Chemist Rotas


If there is no active link for your area visible when you search this means no rota information has been posted.

Feeling unwell? ...  Think Where ...

Choose Well Leaflet
Adobe Acrobat document [150.5 KB]

Self-care is the best choice to treat most minor illnesses, ailments and injuries. A range of common illnesses such as aches and pains, colds and upset stomachs can be treated with over the counter medicines and plenty of rest.

You can find information about a range of common illnesses by using the symptom checker on NIdirect.

Click HERE to visit the website



Click the image below to search for services in your area


From here you can search for A&E, Hospital, Minor injury unit, GP, Chemist,

Health centre, Dentist, Optician and more.

This HSC tool is currently under redevelopment.

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