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About our Launch Event


We were very proud to launch the Flights of Hope Project on 17th April 2023. 

The event was held in Ballybot House, Newry and welcomed a diverse audience of service users, carers, community colleagues, Trust staff, and others.


We had members of the lived-experience project team and some contributors present, some of whom agreed to speak briefly about their project experinece or to read live from their contribtued piece. The stories and perspectives shared were passionate and positve and all shared a them of hope and reassurance.

That authentic voice clearly demonstrated the value of reaching out to talk or get support when struggling with challenges to mental wellbeing and to the potential to move into personally defined Recovery.


Our event was a celebration of a journey's START. We've an exciting time ahead.

This project will curate and share the stories and artistic expression of real people from all over the Southern Trust area in a way that is accessible and meaningful.

It is for everyone, not just those with a diagnosis of mental illness.


As you browse the photographs and feedback examples below, know that we are inviting YOU to actively be part of this....

You can submit your own pieces and you can share news of this new resource.


A massive thank you goes out to all who attended the launch event or have been part of bringing the project ot life... and to you...

the latest link in our chain of Hope & Encouragement!


Meet Some of our Lived-Experience Project Team


Representing our wider 'Flights of Hope' project team are:

Back: Eoghan Heron, Holly Duffy, Terri Ogle

Front: Pauline Reid, Trudy Beattie, Lauren Leitch

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from the event


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feedback we recieved

"Bravo!! The booklet looks fantastic."


"Great. Very informative and hopeful."


"Well done everybody. Nice atmosphere and fantastic project. Sandwiches were delicious too  :) "


"Had a wonderful morning. Can't wait to tell everyone about this project. Be sure to get it into the staff newsletter."


"More people need to know about MHF. Such good work being done."


"Such high quality booklets! The whole thing has been so well put together. Congratulations."


"A great resource, and love that it will be a live resource that will grow, and digital stories will be a great addition. Well done."

"Thank you for sharing your paths to recovery. I look forward to reading them."


"Book Launch went well :)"


"Thank you. Keep up the good work"


"Fabulous to hear people's experiences and to know this resource wil continue to grow and help others."


"Peer recovery stories give hope. I am not alone. I can recover. I can live again not just exist."


"Amazing work, and thankyou for sharing your stories, providing hope and inspiring others."

"Great model and famework. Looking forward to promoting!"


"Great to see true user-led coproduction"


"Wonderful work. Keep it up."


"The launch itself was great, and I had a couple of inspirational conversations too. Such wonderful positive people! Thank you."


"Wow, this kind of appoach is so needed right now. To have something that is completely run by people who have lived it is an asset for our community. Keep leading the way!"


"Just to say how blown away I was… Such amazing work you are doing and the impact it makes is just so clear. It was a pleasure to be there and hear and see the work that is going on. Thanks so much fo the invite !!!"

"To all involved - your bravery will help others. Thank you."


"Fantastic Book. Really looking forward to reading this."


"Great to see Mental Health Forum develop so much. Fair play to you all."


"Well organised launch and well done ALL speakers!"


"Great launch facilitated by MHF and great to work with the team and to be part of such a project."


"Wonderful morning. So powerful to hear people's lived experience. Can't wait to share this resource with CBT colleagues."

"It is great to be in a room with such great really inspirational people, willing to share this experience to help others. Thank you."


"The MHF does a fantastic job and [--] has really helped me."


"The lived experience is so important for us 'professionals' to hear. You are the 'true professionals'. Thank you."


"Its only as I get older I realise my feelings and fears from my childhood arent just 'That's the way it is'.  My wife's love and strength keep me grounded. Her journey within the MHF has been inspirational to me."


"Fantastic event. Well done to all involved and to all who contributed"


"Well done. Great book. Keep up the excellent work"

"Enjoyed the insights and listening to the voices of lived expereince."


"Interesting, informative, and passionate."


"Just checked in on the online archive - it's looking brilliant. I hope it grows for you as you hope because there's such potential here."


"Best resource I've seen in ages. This will make such a difference. Thank you."


"Fantastic work. Well done everybody"


"Well done all. Keep moving forward and making positive changes for all in our community."


"Just wanted to congratulate on such an inspirational project.  It is such a positive initiative and hugely powerful message of hope for us all.  Bravo!!"

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