We provide links here to some interactive search systems that will help you navigate Acronyms, Abreviations and jargon used in Health & Social Care,
There will of course be some Regional or Discipline variations.
Sometimes the same acronym or abreviation will mean different things to different people.
If you do not find your answer in any of these linked areas, contact us at the Forum.
We will try to secure an answer for you.
Glossaries of General Health Care and Mental Health related terms
to access an extensive list of common acronyms & abbreviations used in Health & Social Care
An App is also avaiable
The NHS Confederation offers information
Click Here to read about Goggle Play
Remember - you cannot assume that everyone else in that meeting or everyone else reading that document understood the abbreviation, acronym, jargon or reference; some were probably just as confused as you and were embarrassed to admit it. They may have been service users, carers, or even professionals - it can happen to anyone. There is no shame in politely challenging such language as you encounter it - in fact, you will be doing everyone a massive favour because Plain English needs to be used in mental health care as much as possible.