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We are "The Voice of Service Users"


Become a member and become informed about and influential in the design and delivery and monitoring of Mental Health Services in Southern Trust. Enquire

Lived Experience helps shape Services


Mental Health services are planned and delivered in Southern Trust through Co-production. Carers, Users and Professionals working as equals. Enquire

Your service & community - Your voice


Visit our Consultation/Involvement Opportunities Page to see some of the current opportunities, or contact us to learn more

Tell Services Directly about your own experience of care / treatment


About MH, Hospitals, A&E, and other HSC areas


Staff would love to hear your feedback


Click HERE for a SHSCT online form

Scroll to the bottom, to download a paper form


The Mental Health Forum is Independent


You can also safely share your comments about Southern Health & Social Care Trust though us.

Complete the form below or ring 02830 252423

You can use an online form HERE


Staff can provide you with a leaflet explaining this.

The Patient & Client Council can assist. Click HERE

Service User/Carer Advocate can assist. Click HERE

Your story will inspire & support others


You can share your story directly with the Recovery Coordinator via the Recovery college or you can use the form on this site to share for upload here.

It is possible to report directly to RQIA 


Southern Trust has a policy of welcoming such concerns directly but you also have the option to tell The body that regulates NI Health & Social Care

Use this form to send a message via the Mental Health Forum about The Southern Trust

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We will do our best to forward messages or feedback to the appropriate team. 

It is not possible to facilitate replies but be assured your voice is welcome and has a very important contribution to the the improvement of Mental Health Services.


This is not a means of registering formal complaint.

Please see informaiton above for details of the correct process and help available.



To read about the compliments and complaints process with SHSCT, or to write and directly send your message to the Trust, you can use the specially desgined leaflet with built-in form.


Click the download link below to get your copy.

SHSCT We Value Your Views Leaflet 2018 ([...]
Adobe Acrobat document [286.0 KB]
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