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Independent Advocacy

for Mental Health Service Users

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Avocacy services are free and totally confidential - advocates are dedicated to helping the service user make their own decisions and express their views around all areas of their care. Information can be provided of your rights and guidance offered on how to negotiate some of the difficult procedures and systems that can be encountered  while living with a mental illness.

Access to Independent SERVICE USER Advocacy may be arranged by contacting

Inspire (formerly NIAMH)

If you feel you would like support in making decisions and taking control of your life, or you would like further information about your rights or more information about how advocacy could help you then contact

Karen on 07811344723.


The service is available Monday to Friday between 10am-4pm but please leave a message outside of these hours and we will get back to you.


Carer Advocacy

for those caring for Mental Health Service Users

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Peer advocates for carers of someone with mental illness support carers in looking after their loved one by providing information and a listening ear; they represent the carer’s views and wishes with permission from the service user and carer.

Carer advocates offer support that is appropriate to the carer’s needs and/or wishes. They talk to professionals with the service users and carer’s permission to highlight their concerns or issues and, taking instructions from the carer wherever possible, base actions on mutually agreed plans, preferred outcomes and timescales, and work in partnership with carers to achieve this. Carer advocates gather and present accurate information to help carers make informed choices and listen carefully, discussing options without imposing our views or opinions.


For more information contact CAUSE by Clicking HERE

Self Advocacy

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Peer Advocacy

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Advocacy in all its forms seeks to ensure that people are able to speak out, express their views and defend their rights. Peer Advocacy is unique as the peer advocate will have experienced mental health difficulties themselves.  The advocate can understand and be empathetic as they are in the position to understand the client’s difficulties.  It is a process of supporting and enabling clients to express their views and concerns. The peer advocate will access information and services to defend and promote the clients rights and responsibilities and to explore their choices and options. The peer advocate will act in the clients best interests, in accordance with the clients wishes and instructions.  They keep the client informed and act impartially.  They give honest independent options and carry out instructions (must be relevant to the issue) with diligence and competence and to always maintain client confidentiality.  The peer advocate will ensure the client will be active and an informed participant through the advocacy process.  The peer advocate must have achieved a sufficient level of recovery and complete an accredited training course.

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