One of the most important things to notice is Need for SELFCARE
Below you can select from an archive of videos created by SHSCT Recovery College during Covid-19.
Stronger Together 20.5.20
Mental Health Awareness 20.5.20
Grief and Support 20.5.20
Grief and Selfcare 20.5.20
What is grief? 18.5.20
Losses & Disappointments 12.5.20
Unexpected Gains 11.5.20
Reaching Out 24.4.20
Compassion & Self Care 22.4.20
Barriers to Compassion 21.4.20
What is Compassion 20.4.20
Getting through the day -1 10.4.20
Getting through the day -2 14..4.20
Its OK to ask for help 6.420
Intro to the Recovery College 31.3.20
Power of authentic Connection 6.5.20
Building Connection 6.5.20
Finding new ways to connect 4.5.20
Making Connections matter 1.5.20
Mark shares 30.4.20
Connections 29.4.20
Focus on Carers 28.4.20
Breathing Exercises for selfcare 22.4.20
Mairead shares 16.4.20
Belinda shares 15.4.20
Reviewing themes 17.4.20
Recognising Anxiety 6.4.20
Wellness Tools 6.4.20
Creating a HOPE box 31.3.20
Hope 31.3.20
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